Funeral Resources, Brochures, Forms, Documents & Links
Funeral resources , including funeral brochures, documents, forms & links. Includes Grief & Bereavement Support services, Catering Menus and Government information, such as Transport Accident Commission , Coroner and much more. If you can’t find it here call us (03) 9532 2111
Paying for funerals is expensive but there is help available to cover the costs. A savings account or a prepaid funeral is a good way to plan and pay for your funeral.
The Australian Government may have payments, support and other services to help you when someone dies. For more information click the Find out More Link Below
Funeral, Catering & Refreshment
Funeral catering & Refreshments Menus across Melbourne & the Mornington Peninsula for GMCT including Altona, Fawkner, Lilydale and SMCT including Springvale and Bunurong Cemeteries. Searching for catering companies for funerals and wakes, it times to talk us. Centrally located in Moorabbin, all Melbourne areas.
The loss of a loved one can be an overwhelming time, particularly when it is sudden and unexpected. For most families this will be the first time they have had any experience with a coronial investigation and there are often many questions that arise. Contact Coronial Admissions and Enquiries Office , 24/7 Phone: 1300 309 519 Overseas: (+61 3) 8688 0700
For additional information the Coroners Court of Victoria web site is available at
Deceased Firearms
Learn more about firearms and deceased estates, including who can authorise the transfer of firearms and the legal requirements.
Transferring firearms from deceased estates The only person who can authorise the transfer of firearms belonging to deceased licence holders is the Executor or Administrator of the deceased estate.
Executors and Administrator The Executor or Administrator of an estate is the person who has been given the responsibility for managing and administering the deceased person’s remaining financial obligations and wishes. In relation to firearms this could include ensuring firearms are transferred correctly to the person they are left to, or selling the firearms through a licensed firearms dealer. Note: for privacy reasons, the Executor or Administrator of the deceased estate is the only person with who the Licensing and Regulation Division can discuss the particulars of the licence holder or their firearms.
Legal requirements The Executor/Administrator need to:
- Notify the Licensing and Regulation Division of the death of the licence holder as soon as practicable.
- Ensure the continued safe storage of firearms belonging to the estate of the deceased licence holder.
- Dispose of the firearms belonging to the deceased licence holder within six months of the person’s date of death.
Notifying the Chief Commissioner The Executor/Administrator will need to email the Licensing and Regulation Division outlining and providing the following:
- A certified copy of the death certificate.
- The name and contact details of the Executor or Administrator of the estate.
- A copy of the Will confirming the Executor of the Estate.
- The firearms licence number of the deceased (if known).
- Details of each firearm in the estate (including the make, model, calibre and serial number).
- Address details where each firearm in the estate is to be ordinarily stored.
Storage of firearms belonging to deceased estates Following the death of a firearm licence holder who owns firearms, the Executor or Administrator of a deceased estate is responsible for safekeeping and storage of firearms belonging to the estate. Firearms belonging to deceased estates must be stored in accordance with the law. Storage options include:
- Leaving the firearms in the place where the deceased licence holder stored them provided that no unlicensed person can access them.
- Storing the firearms yourself provided that you have access to appropriate storage facilities.
- Arranging for another licence holder to store the firearms provided they have access to appropriate storage facilities and are appropriately licensed in the same category of firearms.
- Arranging storage with a licensed firearms dealer.
Disposal of firearms belonging to deceased estates When referring to the disposal of firearms, it can mean the following:
- Transferring ownership of the deceased persons firearm to an existing licence holder.
- Selling the firearms to a licensed firearms dealer.
- Surrendering the firearms for destruction.
- Have not been left to anyone.
- The person who they have been left for, does not want the firearms.
- Notify the Licensing and Regulation Division of any transfer within seven days of the firearms being disposed via email.
- Ensure they are transferring the firearm via a licensed firearm dealer.
Licence requirements for Executors and Administrators An Executor or Administrator of a deceased estate is exempt from needing a licence to possess or carry the firearm for the purpose of disposing (ie. transferring, selling, surrendering) of the firearm provided:
- They store it correctly and;
- they dispose of the firearms within six months of the licence holder’s death.
Inheriting a firearm You may acquire a firearm that someone left to you in a Will provided you
- Can demonstrate a genuine need for it.
- Obtain a permit to acquire.
- Have the transaction witnessed by a licensed firearms dealer.
Did you know that TAC can pay the reasonable costs for a funeral and monument up to $18,170 (including GST)? Who can make a transport accident commission (TAC) claim?
TAC can pay up to $6,060 to cover the reasonable cost of travel and accommodation expenses within Australia for immediate family members to go to the funeral, burial, or cremation. To be eligible, the service needs to be held in Australia and the immediate family member needs to live over 100kms from where the service is held.
Accidents that happened in Victoria
- You, or someone you represent, was involved in an accident caused by the driving of a car, motorcycle, bus, train or tram, and
- You, or someone you represent, was injured or died in the accident.
Interstate Accidents
- A Victorian resident was injured or died in an interstate accident that involved a Victorian registered vehicle, or
- A person was injured or died in an interstate accident and was in a Victorian registered vehicle.
To Make a claim or more information visit