
By creating our funeral Options, pricing is easy to understand and more affordable.


Arranging a funeral and trying to work out the actual cost does not need to be difficult.


All of our funeral options are tailored and personalised to your wishes.


Costs & Options

Having listened and worked with clients since 1983, we have created burial and cremation options that are designed around the needs and desires of grieving families.
Our resourcing means we can create cost effective funeral that empower you to invest your money into a farewell that appropriately honours your loved one. We ensure your money is spent where it matters to you and your family.

When it’s time to say goodbye, say hello to Robert Nelson Funerals.
Our team prepare farewell ceremonies that appropriately honour loved ones, in many of Melbournes most beautiful funeral venues. From highly complex funerals to simple unattended services, you can rely and trust on us to be guiding and assisting you at all times. 
What is a meaningful funeral? Funerals are very personal events and our services enable clients to choose exactly what they want and need from a funeral.

Funeral Options
Listening & working with you


Arranging A Funeral

After more than 3 decades in the funeral industry, we thought it was about time to make the funeral arrangement process as simple and easy as possible. By creating our funeral options packages most of what used to be behind closed doors we put on our web site so you can look at coffins, flowers and other funeral related products, services and costs in your own time and space. Just remember we are only a  phone call away and you can call us at any time. Simple doesn’t mean basic, we simply take much of the stress out of funeral arrangements. When you are ready to meet with us we will be there or alternatively some families choose to make arrangements via phone and internet. Based in Moorabbin we cover all Melbourne and Mornington Peninsula areas. We have tailored burial and cremation options to suit all families needs.

Funeral Options
Much of our information is found online


Unique & Beautiful Funerals

What makes us different is we specialise in making unique and beautiful funerals for those we love. To do this we work closely with you to create highly personalised events that have meaning and relevance to you and your family. Personalised doesn’t have to be complex, elaborate or expensive and we work closely with you to establish how we can provide a proper and fitting farewell. We have access to many of Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsulas most unique and beautiful funeral venues.

Funeral Options
Unique funeral venues

Require a Quote or More Information

Send me your details below or call one of professional funeral directors now on (03) 9532 2111